Book reviews by Celine, Book reviews by kids

Book review: The Broken Sun

The Broken Sun by Darrell Pitt (A Jack Mason adventure: Book 3), ………ISBN 9781922182166, Text Publishing.

the broken sun


A review copy of this book was provided by the publisher.

Jack and his friends witness a ghastly robbery of a priceless item from the museum. This crime is soon followed by yet another, of The Broken Sun, an ancient relic that apparently leads to New Atlantis. Mr Doyle, a detective who is training Jack and his friend Scarlet, is shocked by the news that Phillip his son, who had been thought to be deceased for so long, could still be alive.

When Gloria, Mr Doyle’s receptionist, is pricked by a mysterious thorn that results in an almost fatal coma, Jack and his friends feel that they must find New Atlantis with the help of the Broken Sun to find a cure for her. Will they survive this risky journey, and who is so desperate to find the Broken Sun that they are willing to murder?

The Broken Sun is a thrilling book, with historic and futuristic elements in it. I particularly enjoyed chasing the enemy in Jack’s shoes.

This book is recommended to boys aged 11 and up, who like a twist of mystery and eccentric girls who like to read boyish books. I would give it a rating of 8/10.

Book reviews by Celine, Book reviews by kids

Book review: The Secret Abyss

The Secret Abyss by Darrell Pitt, ISBN 9781922147967, Text Publishing

The Secret Abyss


A review copy of this book was provided by the publisher.

Imagine living in a world where an infamous villain could be around the corner. One of your long lost friends comes bleeding and gives you a message but because he is dying the messages are shuffled. Jack Mason and his allies are on a mission to capture the Chameleon, a dangerous assassin, who has escaped from prison. Somebody else, however, is involved in the case. Charles Ashgrove, who is apparently linked to an infamous terrorist group, helped the Chameleon escape to achieve numerous crimes. The first on their list is to kill the president. They have already captured an ingenious inventor to build their deadly weapon “The Whip of Fire”.

Will Jack and his allies be able to save the president? Can they catch the Chameleon and punish Charles Ashgrove in time?

Second in the series to The Firebird Mystery, The Secret Abyss was an enjoyable book with hilarious jokes, and scary villains. I was tied to the book from start to finish, experiencing the same story as the characters.

I would recommend this book to hungry bookworms who love a twist of dare and mystery. This book ended surprisingly, and I was both sad for the characters, yet happy for them as well. I would rate it a perfect score: 10/10.

Celine is one of our regular book reviewers. Her most recent review (if you don’t count this one) was of Shadow Sister. If YOU would like to send us a book review,check out our submission guidelines. Happy reading!